Apartment Apartment
Entries: (2)
Apartment (main) Apartment (main)
Entries: (185)
Apartment (main) Subcategories:
Apartment villa - (1), Duplex - (2)Triplex - (1)
House House
Entries: (4023)
House Subcategories:
Penthouse - (4), Village house - (403), Barn - (19), Bastide - (9), Bastidon - (1), Bed and breakfast - (7), Bungalow - (18), Castle - (53), Chalet - (27), Cottage - (4), Equestrian estate - (18), Farm - (14), Farmhouse - (51), Game reserve - (1), Gîte - (38), House - (2669), Manor house - (59), Mansion - (59), Mas - (6), Mill - (19), Pavilion - (16), Property - (66), Ruin - (1), Semi-detached house - (8), Terraced house - (89), Twin Villa - (1)Villa - (169)Vineyard property - (12)
Land Land
Entries: (110)
Land Subcategories:
Building land - (44), Lake - (2), Not constructible land - (1), Plot of land - (63)
Business Business
Entries: (54)
Business Subcategories:
Business - (43), Hotel - (5)Premises - (6)
Building Building
Entries: (23)
Building Subcategories:
Mansion - (9), Building - (9), Housing estate - (5)
Office Office
Entries: (1)
Office Subcategories:
Office - (1)

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Beaux Villages in the press

French property article featured in the Telegraph France property article in the Irish Times French property news featured in The Times