Become an independent property consultant

Find out more
Download our recruitment brochure to give you a taste of what it is like working with BVI. Our independent property consultants have had very varied careers from policeman to insurance agent, beautician to lorry driver. If you are a people person, read on...

Shall we talk?
If you’ve got questions (and most people do!) or you’d like a bit more insight into life as an independent property consultant, we should talk. Contact our recruitment manager, Tina (, to arrange an informal and completely confidential chat.

Join our webinar
Every month we run free, no obligation, webinars which will give you detailed information and an opportunity to ask us anything. The webinars are widely publicised on social media or you can access the calendar and sign up right here.
Learn from the best
We have a dedicated training team that follows new starters throughout their BVI career. Beaux Villages agents are all trained by Formation Plus, a specialist immobilier training company, certified by Qualiopi

We organise group training sessions and offer one-to-one remote support. We take an interest in your personal success.

Our induction and initial training programmes are run monthly, allowing you to progress through the training modules and start earning as quickly as possible.

Monthly webinars in virtual classrooms pull people together in a group to cover the legal side of things and allow time to ask questions.

As part of this initial training we also offer you the opportunity to shadow an experienced agent to get a better feel for what the job involves.

This course lays out the foundations for you to build your business upon.

We cover: the legal side of selling and marketing a French property; how to prospect and build your portfolio; how to manage your clients (vendors and buyers).

We’ll introduce you to the support team who are there for negotiations and dossiers once you have a sale agreed.

Once trained, we'll provide you with a BVI marketing pack to support your first mandates.
Our successful consultants have a wide variety of backgrounds, careers and skills sets. We’d love to hear from you if our lifestyle appeals.
Let’s talk about how you can make a success of estate agency in France
Contact Tina Anderson to arrange an informal, confidential chat