American mortgages

Written by Tim Williams , Friday, 27 January 2017


In the past, it has sometimes been difficult for Americans to obtain mortgages in France (and in other overseas markets). The reason is to do with "FATCA" legislation which requires any overseas bank with an American customer to report their financial activities to the American authorities. Penalties on foreign banks for breaking these rules - imposed by the America authorities on foreign banks - have been harsh.

As a result, many European banks have simply withdrawn from the market. In other words, the actions of the American authorities have made it harder for their citizens to transact financial affairs outside the US.

However, through one of our mortgage brokers, Beaux Villages is able to connect American buyers to European lenders who are prepared to do business with Americans. It is no longer the case that US citizens have to have cash to buy in France.

The BVI "US desk", manned by Janie Hollinshead, is aware of this. Janie knows the French immobilier market in SW France from her years of activity with BVI.

Not only is BVI able to communicate with US buyers in US time zones, in the American language (!), but we are able where needed to source mortgages for American buyers as well. Not all French immobiliers are in this position!

Image: Pixabay


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