Who wants to be European?

In the News
Written by Julie Savill , Friday, 20 December 2019


This week Guy Verhofstadt revisited on Twitter his idea of European citizenship for those who choose it.

'The EU member states should grant UK citizens living in Europe the full rights as they have today. Automatically. No ‘ifs and buts’ here either. Let's also come back to the idea of ‘European associated citizenship’ for UK citizens who want to keep their link with Europe.'

It was a bright moment and indicates that there is a will in Europe to keep it simple for those wishing to buy a home in France for either a permanent move or as a bolt-hole.

And of course, for those wishing to own a holiday home there is little to hold them back. The British had a love affair with French property long before joining the EU and that looks set to continue.

We’ll be following the story closely and will update with any news.


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