French police are rewarding good drivers

In the News
Written by Katherine ONeill , Wednesday, 10 April 2019


In a pirouette from a punitive to a rewards-based system, the Gendarmes in French department Oise (Hauts-de-France, north of Paris) have begun rewarding good driving behaviour with cash prizes of €100 - €200.

The operation saw some 80 drivers benefit from the system and were rewarded for things like correct indicating, respecting the speed limit and proper lane discipline. 

It came as a bit of a shock to the drivers receiving the rewards as they were pulled over much in the same way as if they were in trouble!

This positive step has come, in part, as a response to the Gilet Jaunes protests where 75% of speed cameras are estimated to have been damaged since they started the movement and since the introduction of the new 80kph speed limit last summer.

Source: Connexion France






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