Les Deux Jours de Montcuq (The Two Days of Montcuq), 40 years of horse-racing

Written by Marion Beschet , Friday, 12 October 2018


This year is the 42nd edition of the endurance horse-race well-known to all horse riders: Les Deux Jours de Montuq (The Two Days of Montuq) on the 3rd and 4th of November.

As its name indicates, this race will take place over two days, with each day's unique circuit departing from Montuq. The contestants will travel over 200km over the weekend on their horses. This represents a great challenge, and as many people say, finishing the race is an achievement in itself.

Les Deux Jours de Montuq is one of the most well known endurance races of the world, along with the Tevis Cup in California, USA and the Tom Quilty Gold Cup in Australia.

The fact that it has remained a huge classic and a staple of the world's horse-riding elite is partly due to its unwavering direction in 40 years: it has always taken place on the same dates - the weekend closest to All Saint's Day (la Toussaint)-, the routes have remained largely the same and most importantly the spirit of the race has held strong throughout the years: competition and the performance of the horse as well as the discovery of a spectacular natural environment.

You can admire the horses that leave Montuq at around 8am, and their return in the afternoon. They will also be present on Saturday at Castelnau-Montratier and Sunday at Belaye at the vet-gate.

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