More good news about Brexit !!

Written by Julie Savill , Friday, 26 May 2017


Well I’m no politician, however it seems to me that the EU has just cut the legs off part of the UK government exit negotiations ahead of the predictable election posturing about ‘Hard Brexit’ and their woolly BS about immigration.

Having previously suggested the UK should NOT use people as pawns in the negotiation, the EU now appears to be leading by example - by making a unilateral declaration - and not using us as pawns; they have all-but guaranteed the rights of Brits moving to France and Spain.

This is all about pensions, health-care, double tax, right to reside……….
This is the stuff slowing down many of our clients who might otherwise make a decision to buy.

There is a strong inference that people moving before 2019 will have guaranteed rights, and those movings afterwards, presumptive rights based on simple procedures.
Simple procedures! That’ll be nice!

Here are a couple of usually authoritative sources if you wish to read more and decide what YOU think it means:

From Reuters:

‘The European Union will offer to protect the welfare and residence rights of Britons living on the continent after Brexit when it opens talks with London next month, according to a document seen by Reuters on Thursday’.
Read the full story

From Connexion:

THE EU has set out formally its wish to guarantee all the key rights of British citizens living in the EU27 and EU27 citizens in Britain after Brexit – putting the ball in Britain’s court to agree to these terms.
Its ‘negotiation directives’ say safeguarding the 'status and rights' of the citizens and their families "is the first priority for the negotiations because of the number of people affected and the seriousness of the consequences of the withdrawal for them”.
The president of the Council of the EU, Louis Grech, said: “We have established the EU position on the key issues for the beginning of the talks. The rights of citizens are at the very top of our agenda and we aim for an ambitious solution, where those affected continue to enjoy their rights".
They say rights to be protected should be reciprocal between Britons and EU27 citizens, based on equal treatment, and should be enforceable and vested for life. Citizens should be able to exercise their rights through ‘smooth and simple’ procedures and any residence cards should be issued ‘under a simple and swift procedure’ essentially of a ‘declaratory nature’.
Rights protected should include:
The status and rights derived from EU law at the withdrawal date (ie. probably the end of March 2019)
Rights that the people concerned will only enjoy at a later date – for example rights related to pensions – and rights that are in the process of being obtained, including the chance to acquire them after the withdrawal date,

under existing conditions. For example a Briton resident in France for two years on Brexit Day could gain ‘permanent residence’ rights three years later.
Rights of people who used to be expats in previous years but went back to their country of origin (eg. full rights to pensions)
Both economically active and ‘inactive’ people and students, and their family members who join them at any point in time before or after the withdrawal date
As a minimum, the definition of protected rights should include: residence and rights from free movement as under the EU treaties, including ‘permanent residence’ after five years and rights to access healthcare; rights obtained under social security coordination rules including exportable benefits and pension aggregation; workers’ rights such as access to the labour market or to run a business, social charge or tax advantages, and access to training. Rights of workers’ family members to education and training under the same rules as nationals.
Continuing recognition of qualifications that were recognised at the withdrawal date


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