A New Life, A New Career...in France

Written by Judith Whitlow , Wednesday, 29 November 2017


Have you always wanted to do what we do, but determined that your lack of previous experience was a bar? Read on!

The French government recently made formal training a requirement for all people involved in property sales in France. Each company is already required to have a licence to operate. You cannot simply open a shop as you might in some other countries. What the new training requirement now adds is a regulated licence per individual as well.

The training itself can be selected from a raft of subjects including - we are pleased to report - the relevant law and ethics!

In tough economic times this is an admittedly challenging task to get all our people set up to do this. We have a head start given the training team we have always had at Beaux Villages. Ongoing training and a desire to be as good as we can has always been at the heart of our company culture.

Estate agency is generally better regarded in France than in the UK, however we accept that we have some way to go to persuade many people of the valuable role we believe we play in the life-changing events so often involved in buying and selling a property. Buying a property privately can be a potentially expensive gamble for the uninitiated, non-professional or unwary.

Pictured, BVI property consultants from St Emilion, Agen, and those local to the office at Tournon d’Agenais revise their knowledge of French property contract law. This same group - meeting on a weekend because weekdays are so busy with appointments - have opted for additional extra training above and beyond the minimum requirements. Our trainers are busy writing extra modules and developing our online support for the whole team. Many of our sales team have brought their experience from other industries and careers to BVI.

What we all have in common is a real respect for buyers and sellers and the stresses involved in the sales process, along with local knowledge and passion. Add to that our award winning marketing and much more besides.....

Our philosophy embraces relevant experience but we are not looking for people who want to nose around someone else’s home, or cynical career ‘professionals’. There is a lot to what we do and it is a much harder job than it may appear from the outside. But would we do anything else? No, absolutely not. There’s something magical about helping someone follow the path we took, moving from the UK to France.

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Beaux Villages in the press

French property article featured in the Telegraph France property article in the Irish Times French property news featured in The Times