Testing has begun on next generation speed cameras

Written by Katherine ONeill , Monday, 23 April 2018


Over the course of the last few years, the country’s speed cameras have gone from a series of unreliable static boxes to a vast army of mobile, sophisticated, two-way radars able to distinguish between different types of vehicle.

The latest weapon in the battle against delinquent drivers is the Mesta Fusion, a next-generation radar currently being tested in Marseilles. According to the manufacturers, its high resolution camera can monitor 32 vehicules at the same time over eight lanes with an incredible degree of accuracy.

The radar has also a touch of Big Brother about it, however, and can also allegedly spot drivers that are too close to the car in front, not wearing a seatbelt, using a phone, jumping red lights or undertaking - such features are yet to be confirmed.

If test are successful, drivers should be aware that this new generation of radars will be deployed across the country in the not too distant future.

Article: The Bugle

Image: Actu.fr


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