Get Your House in Order!

Written by Nicky Charles , Thursday, 01 March 2018


You are putting your house in France on the market and hoping for a quick sale. Well then, let’s get that house in shape.

  • All those little DIY jobs that you have been ignoring - get them done. Your potential buyers will spot any little snag...a crack in the plasterwork, broken window, flaking paint on the doors.
  • Declutter! I know it’s a bore but get rid of stuff you don’t need or haven’t used in ages. Start packing some of the things you will take with you. Take the opportunity to perhaps have a “Vide Maison” one weekend. Believe it or not this can be great fun and make you some extra cash.
  • You want to show your property at its absolute best so if going that extra mile to plump up cushions, straighten up books or laying the dining table is going to work, then go for it.
  • You’ve watched the programmes on the telly - be prepared to “dress” your house even if you have to borrow bits from friends and neighbours. Think about harmonious colours and materials. Plain, pale and simple is the way to go.
  • Last one I promise...don’t have overpowering smells lingering before a viewing, the smell of last night’s curry, cat litter trays or wet dog seriously don’t help. Open the windows to air rooms if the weather allows. People are wise to the fresh coffee and baking bread tricks but running the tumble dryer with a softener sheet or lighting a (subtle) scented candle will do the trick.


Right then, get cracking, get the rubber gloves out, get someone saddled up on the lawnmower and hand everybody else a paint brush!

If you think your house is ready for some new spring photos -- don't hesitate to contact your agent to pop along to take some.


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