What is Bastille day for a French ?

Written by Marion Beschet , Thursday, 13 July 2017


Tomorrow is Bastille Day, a very important bank holiday in France because it's the National Day.

Do you know what it really means to French people?
What we simply call “14 juillet” means to us:
1) Fireworks

2) Firemen ball or “bal des pompiers”

3) A “buvette”, where you can drink beers and red wine during the fireworks.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about Bastille day isn’t the storming of the Bastille itself but how the people of France chose democracy instead of monarchy and beheaded the King as well. Meanwhile, other countries changed from the absolute monarchy to a parliamentary monarchy.

But do you know who was the first French president elected and when he was elected? The answer is funny and strange.

It was Napoleon III in 1848!

Republic was born in 1792 but it took more than 50 years to have elections to choose the leader…
That reminds us that Revolution is more an evolution than a big change made in one day!

By the way, check your city or village calendar because the 14 juillet fireworks often take place on the 13th of July in many places!

Tonight I'll pack sandwiches and I'll go by the river Lot and watch the fireworks on the Pont Valentré !

Have a great week end!"

Photos La dépêche du Midi


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