Brexit: Theresa May to fight EU transition residency plan

Written by Julie Savill , Wednesday, 31 January 2018


The news that the UK prime minister is seeking to make a distinction between the time between now and March 2019 and the so-called ‘transition period’ will not come as any great surprise to followers of the political posturing around the Brexit negotiations.
Whilst the 27 other EU leaders continue to present a united front, the plaintive cry from the UK has drifted from the trite, ‘Brexit means Brexit’, to something snappy along the lines of, ‘the transition period needs to look different from the bit leading up to it and the bit following after it’.
Allegedly speaking on behalf of the great democratic process and in honour of the referendum result, many observers will conclude that the reality is once again all about placating the section of her own party who provoked this in the first place. 
Does anyone actually remember a groundswell of opinion towards a vote to leave before David Cameron foisted the choice upon us?
So now the rights of EU citizens wishing to live other than in their country of birth is back at the top of the agenda. At least as far as the Conservative party is concerned.
Expect the EU to disagree.
So what does this mean for people considering a full-time move to mainland Europe?
We have the nearest thing to certainty we are likely to get, that a full-time move to France (or Spain) ahead of March 2019 will attract full residency rights, and just a hint that a delay may not be quite so straightforward.
The only sure thing appears to be to get on with it now. Or forget about it and stay put in Poundland.
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