Buy now, Brex-it later

Written by Julie Savill , Thursday, 18 October 2018


So it’s all still up in the air regarding the final outcome of the Brexit debacle.
The point-scoring rumbles on.

If you are a potential buyer, reading this, we sincerely hope you will NOT wait for the politicians to iron out the small print of our shared future over the next 20 or 30 years.

Let us offer you your own dedicated personal property consultant. 
Push past the doubt.
We stand ready to find you the right property and agree a great deal.
Then we’ll help you settle in.

Every indication is that persons resident in the EU before 29th March 2019 will secure the same rights as those of us already here.
So there is an imperative of sorts.
If you want to do it, and can do it - get on with it?

Property transactions usually take several months so you need to find the property quickly now.

If you are decided to wait and see, this isn’t for you.
We’ll be here for you when you judge the time is right.

Back to finding that dream property and a new start in life.
This is where local knowledge can save you masses of time and money.
We live here, we know the properties and owners, and the local environment.

If you are bemused by the choice, let us help you to narrow it down.

We know which properties are negotiable (and which are less so).
Or where the asking price might actually be excellent value.

We know those vendors that have complex circumstances that mean it will almost certainly take longer to complete a purchase.
And those with one foot already out of the door.

Some properties have their ‘diagnostics’ in place, and/or are connected to mains drains.
These factors tend to lead to a quicker and smoother transaction.

Work with us to nail your dream property, and this knowledge will be shared with you.

And the time of year is in your favour if you can proceed now.
Autumn and winter are traditionally a little quieter for agents, and populated by a higher proportion of determined viewers.
Motivated vendors know this. They are ready to talk.

As ever, as with anything in life, there are no cast-iron guarantees.
However you can rearrange the odds in your favour if you let us help.

Click here for the beautiful property pictured here - it's only €199,000



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