There's life after la rentrée!

Written by Julie Savill , Wednesday, 05 September 2018


It's that time of year when life begins to return to normal in France.
It's called La Rentrée and the key signs are supermarkets full of felt pens and bright rucksacks and an equally bright and hopeful look on the faces of parents as the summer holidays come to an end.
August is notoriously slow in France, with vendors away and notaire's closed.
So we are delighted to report a record August for agreed deals in the this tricky month.
What might you as a buyer expect for September?

More choice, as new listings are launched onto the autumn market.
A second chance, with price reductions from vendors able to offer flexibility in return for a deal before the winter.
And competition - as buyers look to complete before March 2019.
Property is selling quickly. French buyers are very active.
Be ready to act decisively and work with us to secure your purchase.
It's an odd dynamic, but it is often the case that a property finds 'its time' and it is perhaps surprisingly common for us to have several buyers bidding for the same house.
Never has a local property expert and seasoned negotiator offered better value than right now.
Not all agencies are the same.
To book a free no-strings viewing trip with your own named independent property consultant email


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