Easter at Beaux Villages

Written by Julie Savill , Friday, 31 March 2017


You'll be more focused on finding your new home than on finding the Easter Bunny.
Fair enough.
No harm in us offering both!!

We have over 5,000 properties available to view and buy across the whole of south west and south east France, all of which at least one of us knows personally - an important distinction for the internet-weary house-browser.

We live and work here.
These properties are for sale.
We know the owners.

If you are planning a viewing trip this Easter, please make early contact with us to ensure we have the opportunity to team you up with your own dedicated independent property consultant.

Don't believe all that you read.
Use your newspaper to mop up after the cat.
Get on a plane or jump in the car.
Property is selling.


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Beaux Villages in the press

French property article featured in the Telegraph France property article in the Irish Times French property news featured in The Times