Have Your Say

Written by Katherine ONeill , Wednesday, 14 March 2018


A survey about UK estate agents found that sellers are almost evenly split in their experiences of estate agents, with 48% having had no problems, but 47% having had at least one issue.

Which? has come up with the finding after surveying just over 2,000 homeowners but has not yet detailed what the issues typically are.

It has, however, now issued new advice to sellers about choosing an estate agent.

As part of its survey, it asked how people had decided which agent to use. They used six measures – with the property valuation easily the most persuasive factor with 65% having several valuations of their property. Which? advises that agents may over-value to win the business. This was followed by the fee, important to 51% of sellers. Types of property the agent had experience in selling came third, and was considered by 31% of sellers. This was followed by reviews of the agent, including word of mouth recommendations, which were important to 28% of sellers The agent’s record in achieved asking prices was a factor for just 26%, while previous selling times was the least important factor, considered by only 15%.

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