Who pooed?

Written by Clare Gordon , Wednesday, 08 August 2018


We get the occasional bluetit in the house. It sends the dogs crazy when they flap against the window trying to get out.
This week there was a kerfuffle and when we went to see what was going on we'd been upgraded! It wasn't your common or garden bluetit on the mantelpiece but a rather splendid and exotic-looking hoopoe!
These zebra-striped migrants come and go between France and Africa and we keep our lawn neatly cut to entice them to hang around. They wander around the short grass listening carefully and probing the ground with their long curved beak looking for crickets and larvae.

If you're lucky they decide to nest in a hole in the wall. Our friend had them in the box alongside the electricity meter and stuck a sign on it requesting no meter readings until the babies had fledged.
EDF obliged.

Take a look at properties in Lot-et-Garonne where hoopoes are known to visit!


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French property article featured in the Telegraph France property article in the Irish Times French property news featured in The Times