The B word

In the News
Written by Tracey Hudson & Jacqui Reddin-Williams , Monday, 15 July 2019


In light of 31st October - Halloween in more ways than one this year and potentially more Brexit bad press - our Beaux Villages team have been reflecting on how we’re coping with battling the Brexit blues in France.

Whilst the situation remains uncertain, we do know that there are 39,000 British living in Nouvelle Aquitaine (south-west France) and approx. 400,000 French in London (according to the French consulate in London). Therefore, we are confident that even if there is a no-deal Brexit a reciprocal agreement will be made.

None of our vendors to date have indicated they are leaving France because of Brexit. The main reason for going back to the UK remains grandchildren.

Before the EEC existed there were many Brits already living in France and many more looking to relocate. In the face of a no deal Brexit we believe the French would revert to expats requiring a carte de sejour (CdS). The good news is that Beaux Village would support your application and help you obtain your residency card.

It’s likely that Brexit would make little difference to buyers looking for holiday homes.

Outside of the Brexit conundrum the positives for moving to France are great - lifestyle, weather, lack of pollution, limited congestion, wonderful countryside. Take a look at our Facebook and Instagram feeds to see how amazing life can be here.
We have many contacts who can help you obtain health insurance and they will happily provide you with independent advice on health cover.
If you are contributing to the system (have an income) you will be able to apply for a CdS and benefit from full-time residency in France. As above, the great news is that Beaux Villages would support your application and help you obtain your residency card.
We believe a reciprocal agreement is essential to the French economy.

Historically the British moving into rural France has increased rural population, revived many rural villages and boosted the rural economy, so we feel the British are seen as a real asset in the more rural areas of France

There are already a large number of non-Europeans (Americans, Australians etc) living and buying in France. At Beaux Villages we have always seen a steady flow of non-Europeans looking to buy here and recently we have seen an increase in interest.

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Written by:

Tracey Hudson, Head of Sales Management

Jacqui Reddin-Williams, Head of Sales Development. 





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