How Will the Brexit Vote Affect My Property Purchase in France?

In the News
Written by Julie Savill , Sunday, 17 May 2020


We've written a series of blogs since the Brexit vote and we've pulled a few together here in a digest.

We will update with new blogs as clear messages are released by the government.


The UK voted on June 24 to leave the EU. The process begins with the UK notification to the European Council under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Once such notification has been made, a period of two years is allowed for the detailed negotiations to take place. During that time, nothing will change in terms of the entitlements of UK citizens in Europe.

What are the possible outcomes?
The UK remains in the EEA by dint not of being in the EU, but by joining EFTA (which it left in 1973 after joining the Common Market). The current members of EFTA are Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The EEA subscribes to the same “Free movement of capital, people and labour” that EU countries follow.
The UK negotiates a wide range of bilateral treaties with EU member states to preserve trade relations.
We believe that the first outcome will prevail in some form.
In any event, there are so many French (and other European) nationals living in the UK, that it seems unlikely in the extreme that the EU will unilaterally impose restrictions on the rights and entitlements of British citizens living in France (or elsewhere in the EU). A compromise will be found.

Buying a Property in France
Things are rather fluid at the moment as the political dust settles but in the end, we see no reason for the purchase and ownership of a house in France to be any different from how it is now.
Membership of the EEA will confer the same rights on British citizens living in France as they are under the EU – including healthcare and pensions.

Will life in France change?
If you were to judge that by the response of the French people we know and meet daily, you would see what might be characterised as “disappointed astonishment” in the UK vote and by an outpouring of support for the Brits who already live in France. France will retain its many attractive qualities, as it has done for centuries for Brits. Notably, many of our clients are more determined to come and own a property in France after the Brexit vote than they were before.

Brexit: The love-affair with France continues
The south west of France is home to Beaux Villages and its multi-cultural team. Many of us are British and we have all chosen this beautiful place to live. It's a love-affair that people from the UK have shared for decades.
Community is a key value still in France and we all feel that we contribute to and are supported by our local communities in equal measure.
The outcome of the referendum won’t change the long-standing appeal of stunning countryside, a slower pace of life, realistically priced and affordable property and a warm and welcoming climate.

As the last results of the referendum came in, our first deal of the day was accepted. And so the day went on as we took enquiries about properties and talked to people who want to realise the dream of owning their own home in France.
Our friendly, professional team members are happy to share their local knowledge and experiences of living here. We look forward to helping you become the owner of that special property in France and offer the very best service from initial viewing to completion and beyond.

Hug a Brit!
A campaign started in Europe before the referendum has resulted in some heart-warming moments this week. is asking those in Europe to show the love to their Brit friends and neighbours via their own website and on social media via the tag #hugabrit.
The local butcher came out into the street to hug David, our Business Development Manager and someone coming for an interview offered me a hug in place of a hand-shake the day the referendum result was announced. Living here, I am constantly impressed at how warm the welcome is to those of us choosing to spend holidays or make our new lives in this beautiful part of Europe.
France, we salute you.



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