What have the Romans ever done for us?

Written by Teresa Penn , Thursday, 22 February 2018


It feels like ‘the best kept secret’ by the locals.

We’d been told ‘roughly’ where the aqueduct was, shown on a map even but in all our 8 years of living within 20km, it eluded us.

The aqueduct has withstood the test of time, honouring the skill of Roman engineering. It courses for 170m in the Agly valley.

The setting is tranquil with the trickling of water through the aqueduct and along the river source.

Taking a leisurely stroll in the shade of the arches, over robust, weathered stonework, you find yourself transported back in time. Imagining the pounding feet that have smoothed and moulded the glorious, golden, limestone floor.

No barriers, no admission fee. Just pure history for The World to enjoy.

It wanted us to ‘discover it’ that day. It was our turn.

For a list of properties hiding some glorious history, click here 



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