What's all this about AMAP?

Written by Marion Beschet , Friday, 14 October 2016


AMAP stands for Association pour le Maintien d'une Agriculture Paysanne - Association for the Conservation of Local Agriculture.
This may seem somewhat intangible, but this association plays a crucial role in putting agricultors and consumers that live in the same area in touch with each other.

This system has many advantages, the first of which is getting to know people who live or work in the same region as you, and to get the most of the fruits that the land you live on provides. Another advantage is one shared by all direct selling operations - a low cost combined with excellent product quality.

Alright then, but how does it work?

You just need to sign up to your nearest AMAP, and the local producers who are also a part of this Association will prepare weekly or bi-monthly baskets for 2 to 4 people with in-season fruits and vegetables that they will send to your local pick-up spot. The content of the baskets change along with the season, depending on what producers have to offer, another advantage of these associations. You will be able to support local agriculture even in winter. You will also have a healthier and more varied diet, as well as weekly or bi-monthly surprises that will inspire you to cook new dishes and discover new fruits and veggies.

Many organic farmers are not able to compete with conventional farming's massive yields, and so choose this method of distribution which allows them to lower their prices as well as enabling them to live off of their production.

What a pleasant surprise it is to discover a new vegetable that you can cook with, these are often sent with a recipe to help you along your way.

The weekly pick-up spot will depend on the commune you live in but is often the salles des fêtes (festival hall), where you will also be able to meet not only the farmers growing your food but also other like-minded members of your community!

Sound tempting? Find out more here.


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