Why now is the right time to buy

Written by Julie Savill , Tuesday, 18 September 2018


All things considered, and there are many factors at play, some say now is a very good time to buy a property in France.
We’ll start from the assumption that you are coming from the UK, selling Sterling to buy in Euros, and are aware of the Brexit thing.
(Do you know what your Sterling budget equates to in Euros? Talk to our friends at Smart as a sensible first step).

The choice of property to buy is enormous.
This is principally driven by the time of year, as many local sellers launch their properties onto the autumn market.

Supply and demand means that motivated sellers in a busy market may be negotiable.
Let us help with that negotiation.

Some market observers predict gently rising prices in the local property market.
So the amazing value inherent in much French property relative to many UK prices is still with us.
The gap may narrow.

The exchange rate as a buyer has often been better - but it could be/has been worse, and it might yet worsen.
This same exchange rate currently favours British sellers returning to the UK, and we have the local knowledge of where this might just mean a keen deal.
Do you know how to fix your budget? 

If Brexit fears are a big factor, then conventional wisdom says to tie up a purchase before the end of March 2019.
To do that, count back 4 months for the legal process. Add a month for the anticipated last minute rush and consequent delays.
Add a bit more for Xmas.
And you arrive at ..... do it now.

And is it a good time to cash in UK property?
Who knows?!
The most negative in that industry are talking UK property prices down in the event of a delayed Brexit resolution.

To speak in confidence to an experienced negotiator about how best to get a good deal on your next home, please email enquiries@beauxvllages.com

To ask a question about Brexit please email Tim Williams, our Finance Director


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French property article featured in the Telegraph France property article in the Irish Times French property news featured in The Times