Secure your right to reside in France

Written by Katherine ONeill , Friday, 21 December 2018


As the nominal date for Brexit on 29th March (about 16 weeks from now) draws ever closer, there are an increasing number of voices suggesting that it will be necessary for non-EU nationals to have a Carte de Sejour in order to remain in France.
This obviously means us Brits.
We have personally applied for these cards and you might consider doing the same.
The waiting time is already over a year in many Départements, however it does seem that at least being in the queue - i.e. having an appointment - is a worthwhile and free step to take.

To start the process you need to contact your Prefecture for a rendez-vous (there is currently a waiting list in most areas), and then start to assemble your dossier of required documents. This includes such things as birth, marriage and divorce certificates and all will need to be officially translated. All this and more needs to be presented, along with the originals, on the day of your appointment.

We have been very competently assisted in our applications by a company called Formation Plus who have assessed our situations, contacted the Prefecture, provided quotes from registered translators, checked our dossiers and accompanied the visit where required. It’s an English-speaking, paid-for service and has saved us hours of work and given us the reassurance that all would be in order on the day of our appointment.
Here’s what one client has had to say about the service:

The Formation Plus team were a great support in helping secure us each a Carte de Sejour.
Even though our French is good, and we’ve lived and worked in France for 15 years, navigating the administration can be daunting, and at best a time thief.
So to have our questions answered, our paperwork marshaled, and an appointment made for us at the Prefecture was lovely.
We just turned up and were seen on time by a lovely lady who was clearly impressed by our organized dossier.
We chatted about what a nonsense the whole thing is, while she ticked boxes.

Hopefully it’s a formality we’ll never need.
But it’s great peace of mind to have them in our hands.

Thanks J and T!!

If you would like more details about the service please click here to email


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