Hoop, hoop...hoop, hoop!

Written by Julie Savill , Thursday, 20 April 2017


If cuckoos herald the arrival of spring it is the hoopoe's that tell us that summer is well and truly on its way.  We wait for that distinctive call - hoop, hoop...hoop, hoop that tells us that are back from their winter break in Africa.  Some of them get a bit of spring fever and throw in an extra for good measure - hoop, hoop, hoop.  Whether it's a two-er or a three we get quietly excited that this might be the year that they choose our closely cut grass to forage on.

They stride calmly and confidently around the lawn, head cocked from time to time, listening and probing the earth with their long curved beaks looking for bugs and grubs. Every now and again their head goes up and their magnificent crest shoots up. Which girl wouldn't be impressed by that?

This year I am just about beside myself with anticipation.  Yesterday, a couple of hoopoes (they are serially monogamous, mating for one season at a time) spent some time checking out the real estate in our garden.  The lawn appeared to be cut to their liking and their attention was caught by a hole in a chestnut tree.  A viewing was arranged, they went in and looked around, they came back out and had another look at the garden.  They seemed unexcited in that way that I try to be when I know I have found the house of my dreams and don't want to let on.  

They left saying they had to think about it.  I am quietly confident of an offer. I wonder what a hoopoe puts in its removals van?


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